Rhodes Productions, Inc.

"Creating a Play & Introspective on Hemingway"

This event is for any and all writing programs, drama and English students interested in live theatre or the pursuit of such, as a career.

This educational experience offers the opportunity for insight into the life of an American icon - Ernest "Papa" Hemingway. As presented by professional actor/writer Jordan Rhodes and professional actress Lynn Moore, the audience will learn many obscure facts discovered during the research process of creating the hit play, PAPA, "the man, the myth, the legend."

These two entertainers have more than 30 years in professional theatre, film and television. The information they will share has educational value for English department students, drama students and writing programs.

It's not often that an audience gets the opportunity to learn about the creation and structure of a play from the playwright and the actors that are performing it. The audience first learns about the process, then is able to see it performed live and on film, and finally has the opportunity to ask questions of the playwright and actors.

Jordan Rhodes and Lynn Moore explain the concept, research and writing needed to create the play. Jordan  explains in detail how he and his co-writer, Ken Vose researched and developed the material. Ms. Moore provides insight into her research of the five women she portrays. The filmed excerpts, shown on DVD cover 43 minutes of the play. The entire presentation takes approximately 90 minutes followed by a Q & A with the audience.

Requirements for any group, university or theatre are simple. An A/V department with a DVD projection system and large screen, two wireless microphones and a sound system.

Booking fees start as low as $1500.00 depending upon travel time, plus overnight accommodations.

Don't miss this opportunity to bring an exciting, interesting and educational experience to your students!

For information, contact:

Jordan Rhodes
642 Seven Lakes North
West End, NC 27376

Voice 910-673-1537
Fax 910-673-2263

To email Mr. Rhodes, click here: Jordan Rhodes

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The Jordan Rhodes Official Website


The Hemingway on Stage Website